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September 2022

Sep 07

Support for SAML group administrators


    Now Available
Configuration Console/StudioPlatform - IAM
Support for SAML group-based administration within Citrix Cloud
Sep 07

Export limit in CSV export increased


     Now Available
Citrix Analytics - Performance
The limit on the number of rows that you can export using the Export to CSV format feature on the Self-service pages is now increased from 10K rows to 100K rows.
Sep 06

Set folder ID for MCS machine catalog in VMware virtualization environments


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
In VMware virtualization environments, when creating a machine catalog, you can now set a desired folder ID for the catalog. You can also change the folder ID after you create the catalog. When the folder ID changes, only the new VMs will be created inside the new folder. Existing VMs remain in the old folder.