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March 2022

Mar 21

Gateway Service Licensing - Bandwidth used per user


    Now Available
Platform - Licensing
Licensing for Gateway service now displays the amount of bandwidth used for each user. Administrators can see at a glance which users are using the most bandwidth across all Gateway service entitlements. Bandwidth usage for a specific user persists even when the license for that user has been released. 
Mar 14

Support for rejecting non-existing custom properties in Azure environments


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
Custom property of New-ProvScheme or Set-ProvScheme is a string field. If you specify non-existing custom property or properties, you get an error message. This will help you to avoid potential confusion when custom property input does not take effect.
Mar 11

Azure trusted launch support


     Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
Azure trusted launch is now available for the Full Configuration management interface. If you choose to select an image with trusted launch enabled, using a machine profile is mandatory. Also, you must select a machine profile with trusted launch enabled. 
Mar 10

Support for retaining system disk when MCS I/O is enabled for machines running on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


    Now Available
Director/Monitor ConsoleCitrix ProvisioningVirtual Delivery Agent
In the Full Configuration management interface, when provisioning machines on GCP, you can now retain system disk during power cycles when MCS storage optimization (MCS I/O) is enabled.  
Mar 08

Support for an enhanced Single sign-on (SSO) experience for web and SaaS apps


    In Preview
Citrix Workspace app - macOS
This feature simplifies the configuration of SSO for internal web apps and SaaS apps while using third party identity providers (IdPs).
Mar 08

Endpoint Network Statistics


     Now Available
Citrix Analytics - Performance
This feature provides more visibility into the client-side network, as several relevant metrics are added in the Sessions Self-service view and the Sessions Statistics view. Endpoint Link Speed (P95), Endpoint Throughput Incoming (P95), Endpoint Throughput Outgoing (P95) are introduced as optional columns in the Sessions Self-service view.
Mar 07

Support for service continuity with Citrix Workspace app for Android


    Now Available
Citrix Workspace app - AndroidWorkspace Platform
Service continuity is now supported for Citrix Workspace app for Android in general availability.
Mar 04

Azure permissions


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
Two sets of permissions are required for security requirements and to minimize risk. Minimum permissions give better security control. General permissions enable you to get the benefits of new enhancements.

February 2022

Feb 28

Support for using VM’s temporary disk to host the write-back cache disk in Azure environments.


     Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
We added an option to use the VM’s temporary disk to host the write-back cache disk if the temporary disk has sufficient space.
Feb 26

Updates to AWS host connection default settings


    Now Available
Citrix Provisioning
The AWS host connection default setting values are updated to higher values and most likely same for all AWS cloud platform setup.